Types of Offering

  • 15min Free Discovery Call

    Book a free discovery call with me to briefly go through what I offer.

    Let's connect and explore how we can work together!

  • Initial Session (1.5hr)

    In our initial session, we’ll focus on getting to know each other, assessing your needs, and discussing what you hope to achieve together.

    This will give me a better understanding of your background and how I can support you on your journey.

  • Subsequent Session (1hr)

    All sessions after the initial one will be scheduled for one hour.

  • Virtual Session

    The virtual session will be held via Zoom. All you need is a pen or pencil and a journal or notebook to write in.

    Please ensure you have privacy and minimal noise disturbance during our sessions.

  • Home Visit Session - Metro Vancouver Only

    The session will be held in the comfort of your own home.

    Please ensure you have privacy for our time together, especially if your space is shared with others.

    (Optional: We can also hold the session outdoors if the weather permits!)

  • In-Person Session - Currently Closed

    The session will be held in my private home studio, where I will provide all the instruments needed.

    Please bring your personal journal or notebook to write in.


  • Sliding Scale of $80-100/hour

  • Sliding Scale of $80-100/hour

  • Sliding Scale of $100-120/hour

  • You have the option to purchase sheet music for the original song we create together during our sessions.

    With this physical copy of your song, you can share it with other musicians for performance and recording.

    The rate depends on the length of the song; please consult with me if you're interested in purchasing.